Purpose Drives Money Status

Purpose Drives Money Status

Purpose Drives Money Status

Success is simple; it is just a matter of working on your mindset every day. One of the mindsets is you have to STOP thinking about getting money. This just has to be replaced with START thinking about creating money. In Network Marketing, the way to do this is by removing money as an attachment to your dream. You have to begin believing that your purpose drives money status. You lead by your dream. With this all being said, you will have one major focus. You have to focus on people. You have to focus on how to change the lives of others. Your dream will be your motivation. As you read this paragraph, I bet some of your first thoughts are:

  • What a crock.
  • It sure is easy to say
  • This is difficult to put in practice.
  • What is meant by your purpose?
  • What is money status?

The first thing to do is to understand money status.

Money Status

Money status is simply a measure of your income. If you are wanting to have a five figure income per month and you are only doing four then your money status is low. In this situation, people have the mindset of “they have to get more money”. In reality, this mindset HAS TO BE GONE. The mindset you have to DEVELOP and MAINTAIN is “how do I create more money”. The answer is simple, you add more value and you attract more people. Keep in mind that “Purpose Drives Money Status”.

The next thing to do is to define your purpose.

Your Purpose


Dream - Purpose Drives Money Status

Why = Dream


Your purpose is nothing more than your dream. It is your vision. But what is a dream if there is no definition? It has to have depth, width, and breadth. So, as you create your vision you must include every detail possible. As you add the detail, do it with clarity. The more detail you put into your definition of your dream the more you will begin to feel such things as growth of your passion. You will also watch your commitment develop and mature.

When defining your dream you have to visualize your outcome with feeling. You have to be very clear about what you do not want. You also have to be very clear about what you do want. Some items you should include are:

  • texture,
  • color,
  • flavor,
  • size,
  • commitment,
  • passion,
  • what it feels like if you do not have it
  • How will you feel two weeks after you realize you dream …. in detail?

The result is that you have to believe in you and your dream. You have to believe that your dream can slip from your fingers and be gone if you do not do your best to keep it. This can all be accomplished by helping others. You have to add value to their lives. Having a dream in full texture will give you the boost you need in accomplishing your goals. If you want to only get leads and money, where will those take you? What boost will that provide? A person with a vision will be in it for the long haul.

How to add value

To add value you establish goals. These goals do not have to be big. However, you do have focus on them one at a time. And when you complete one, reward yourself. To accomplish your goals you have to clear your limiting beliefs. You will have to be on your guard against big things that could cause you to not succeed (this is a discussion for another time).

An example of a goal could have to do with a blog. It can be your own or could belong to someone else. If your goal is to post once a day for ten days then focus on that goal. You must post once a day with consistency! Once ten days have passed and you have posted each day you will experience a sense of self-fulfillment. You accomplished something. It is worth congratulating yourself! Success can appear in different ways and it may not be what you expect. So, you have to be open to any type of success you achieve.

Most people concentrate on their strengths, which is not a bad thing. However, if you think about it, your strengths will be there and easy to apply. To succeed, it is better to focus on your weaknesses. If you can control those, your strengths will provide support when needed.

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To Your Success

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