Hidden Power of Gratitude

gratitude - hidden power of gratitudeHow many times have you felt the pain, the frustration, and even the aggravation when things are not going the way you want? How many of you work at a job you do not like and many times just feel like you do not want to go there? The same goes for people in that you are not real happy with them, and would rather not be around them. Many people have these same feelings. So, what is this Hidden Power of Gratitude and where is it?

I am writing this on Thanksgiving and started wondering what I was thankful and grateful for. Then I got to thinking about the people who feel that pain, frustration, and even the aggravation when things are not going according to plans. What about those people who are not happy with their jobs? What if we were to turn the energy around a little and find what we can be thankful about in these situations? Maybe we can find the Hidden Power of Gratitude.

What if these people, including me, were to sit down with pen and paper and write ten things they are thankful for? What kind of impact do you believe that would have? I bet there are many who would think it is a waste of time. But what if there was one person that it made a difference for? What if it was more than one? Wow!

Some examples of Hidden Power of Gratitude:

  • Clean the house = Grateful to have a place to live
  • Have to do laundry = Grateful to have clothes to wear
  • Have to cook = Grateful to know where the next meal is coming from
  • Clean the dishes = Grateful to have food on the table
  • Have to go to work = Grateful to have a job
  • Have to get up from bed = Grateful to be alive

These are just some examples and ways you can turn things around to change your mindset. This is the way to find that Hidden Power of Gratitude and understanding the hidden power of gratitude. It is one step to becoming more positive in your life. Imagine, if you were to share this thought with others and they were to have a mindset change. You no longer display negative, you are showing gratitude, you demonstrate a more positive outlook. Then imagine if they shared these thoughts.

The Challenge of Hidden Power of Gratitude

power of gratitude

Hidden power

So, I challenge you to find that Hidden Power of Gratitude. Create your own gratitude list each day. Before you start the list write down your feelings at that very moment and include the things you are not too happy about. Then begin your gratitude list with the goal of writing down 100 things you are grateful for. When you get to about 20 things, examine your feelings and write them down. At first, it may take all day to get to 100 but keep going, you will get there, stopping at about every 20 writing how you feel at that moment.

I bet as you go through the day, your feelings change and you feel better and more grateful. Record how long it takes to get to 100 each day. And again, I bet the amount of time to get to that magic number of 100 decreases day by day. Eventually, you may find your entire attitude has changed to being grateful and you will have an understanding of the Hidden Power of Gratitude.

You cannot have a negative attitude and be grateful at the same time. How you feel everyday is your responsibility….your choice.

Choose wisely!

To Your Success

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